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Luck of the Irish! : The History of Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated every year on March 17, which is the date that Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, died. It is both a cultural and religious holiday. Saint Patrick's Day started as a day celebrating the patron saint of Ireland but has evolved to become a day to celebrate Irish culture by eating Irish food and holding parades and dances. Oh, and not to mention, wearing a lot of green!
Saint Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. He lived in the fifth century, and ever since the ninth and tenth centuries, people have been observing the religious feast day on the date of his death.
Although Saint Patrick's Day 2014 has already passed, get ready for next year! Celebrate the Irish culture ... just by simply wearing the color green. You could also wear something, perhaps an accessory like a pin, that's in the shape of a shamrock.
Also, don't forget about the food! Traditional Irish foods include corned beef, cabbage, lab stew, Irish soda bread, shepherd's pie, and potato bread. There are a variety of delicious choices to pick from ... or you can try then all out!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day, Biotech. 
Emily Lau


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