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Entries in Class of 2017 (90)


RPI Medal 2016

The Rensselaer Medal

A scholarship opportunity worth a minimum of $60,000 for outstanding math and science students.

For more than 90 years, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in conjunction with high schools around the world, has awarded the Rensselaer Medal to promising secondary school students who have distinguished themselves in mathematics and science.

The Medal was first presented in 1916 with two purposes: to recognize the superlative academic achievement of young men and women, and to motivate students toward careers in science, engineering, and technology.

This merit scholarship, with a minimum value of $15,000 per year, is guaranteed for four years (five years for the B.Arch. program or the Co-Terminal Program) for each medalist who is accepted and enrolls at Rensselaer.

As a participating Medal School, Biotech is able to nominate one student for the RPI Medal each year. Our most recent nominees were Deeya Das (class of 2014), Sara Camilli (class of 2015) and Marisa Wu (class of 2016).

If you would like to be considered for this nomination, please complete the following application process:

(1) Demonstrated Interest Essay - Write an essay (no more than 500 words) in response to the following question: "Why do you want to attend RPI?"

(2) Resume - Highlighting your extracurricular activities (both in school and out of school), community service, leadership experiences & awards/achievements.

The Essay & Resume are due by Monday, April 25 at 7:30 am. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please turn materials into Mr. Brown's mailbox.

Let us know if you have any questions - good luck!


Rutgers Summer Scholars

High-achieving rising high school juniors or younger may apply to take up to two approved Rutgers University-New Brunswick courses this summer. Experience what it's like to attend a major university while earning credits toward your college degree.

Session #1: June 27 - August 5
Application Deadline: May 27

Session #2: July 11- August 17
Application Deadline: June 3



Princeton Splash

Princeton Splash - April 30, 2016 
Registration begins on March 30

Splash is a program that brings high school students from all over to Princeton University for a day of unlimited learning. Classes are taught by Princeton undergraduate students, graduate students, and other community members. The ultimate goal of Princeton Splash is to foster excitement for teaching and learning. Students will be able to learn about topics that aren’t normally taught in high school.

Click here to learn more


Cornell Engineering Experience 


BOLD Summer Camp

High school aged students are invited to apply for the BOLD Camp (BioCONECT Oncology Leadership Development) - a unique summer learning opportunity for students who have an interest in learning about cellular biology and genetics of cancer, as well as the diverse careers connected to the field.

During this week-long interactive experience, students will increase their understanding of cancer-related causes, diagnostic tools, treatment options and current research through the context of breast cancer. More importantly, they will identify risk reduction strategies and learn first-hand about diverse careers related to the field as they live the experience among the professionals at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey!

Open to high school students entering the 10th, 11th or 12th grade in Fall.

DATES: July 11 through July 15, 2016 (Monday-Friday)

TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM each day, continental breakfast and lunch provided

LOCATION: Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey New Brunswick, NJ

TO APPLY: Visit the BOLD website to download an Application. 

DEADLINE: Submit a completed application by March 31, 2016.

Accepted applicants will be notified by April 25, 2016. Upon acceptance, applicants must submit a registration fee of $200 (scholarships will be provided to those needing financial assistance) and enrollment forms by May 16, 2016 (provided after acceptance.)