Entries in dress-up (2)


BOTC Takes a Fashion Twist

In the week of December 16th, 2013, Biotechnology High school participated in the Battle of the Classes “Dress-Up Days!”

On Monday the 16th, students showed up to school in their pajamas! Each student rocked their own style, and outfits ranged from sweatpants and t-shirts to bathrobes and slippers. What fun it was!

Tuesday the 17th was “College Wear!” Clothes from a variety of schools, including Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and MIT and Chicago, were modeled in the halls.

“Black-out Day” was Wednesday the 18th. Students were instructed to wear a minimum of three black items; whether they were shirts, socks, or hair bands, each grade participated with one goal in mind: to win points for the Battle of the Classes! 

On Thursday the 19th, students showed off their professional attire for “Business Casual” day. Dresses, skirts, blouses, blazers, khakis, polos… there wasn’t a pair of jeans in sight! Biotech has never looked better.

And on Friday the 20th, four colors dominated Biotech’s halls: the frosh were blue, sophomores ruled in their orange sweatbands, juniors were green, and the seniors decked the school in gold.

When the final amount of participants was tallied, the results were announced: going into the BOTC, the sophomores won 25 points, the juniors won 50, the frosh earned an honorable sum of 75, and it came as a surprise to no one that the seniors were granted a total of 100 points! And then the games began…

By: Jenna Weingarten

Photos were retrieved from Google Images.


No Name-Calling Week at BTHS

A wise man once stated: “Bullying is not okay. Period.” Biotechnology High School is one of the many hundreds of schools across the country participating in “No Name Calling Week”, an important time that focuses on an increased level of respect for others. The goal of No Name Calling Week is to eliminate bulling and to avoid lowering the self-esteem of peers.

To further the movement against bullying, all students have been asked to participate in “dress-up” days. On Monday, students wore all black to “Black out Bullying.” Tuesday began with some laughs, as the theme was “Walk a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes;” numerous people were walking around with two different shoes! “You Can’t Take Your Words Back” was Wednesday’s theme, so students at Biotech wore their shirts backwards!

Thursday’s theme was “Appreciate Our Differences.” Students have been instructed to wear mismatched clothing and to “mix it up” at lunch; the goal was to have as may people as possible sitting next to people they wouldn’t normally eat lunch with. The last day of “No Name Calling Week” is “Unity Day.” Everyone will wear Biotech clothes or colors. An anti-bullying pledge will be available for all to sign in the front lobby, showing individual commitment to completely eliminate bullying.

Did I mention that there was a prize? The grade that has the highest percentage of students participating in the “No Name Calling Week” dress-up days will win a pizza party! As of January 23th, Biotech’s juniors are in the lead, with the freshman following close behind. It’s too soon to tell which grade will have the greatest amount of students who stand up to bullying.

When “No Name Calling Week” commences on January 25th, we must not forget how important it is to support our peers. The end of the event does not mean the end of our goal to eliminate bullying. Biotech is currently taking steps to form an Anti-Bullying Team to continue to promote respect and kindness towards others. Remember: words can hurt. Take a moment to think about what you’re about to say before you say it because you can’t ever take your words back. 

By: Jenna Weingarten