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Stay Musical, Biotech! 

Imagine the ingenuity of a duet sung by two scientific geniuses. Yes, the rumor was that Mr. Pinkus and Mr. Fusco would grace the Biotech community with their musical prowess. 

The rumor was wrong.

Still, the whimsical hidden talents of Biotech students have been uncovered yet again in the Music Club Benefit Concert, which took place Thursday, December 5, 2013. At 6:30 pm, all that could be heard coming from the number one science high school in New Jersey was not the sounds of chemicals bubbling. There was a melodious multitude of instruments, ranging from guitars to boomwhackers, to a tuba, with some more classic instruments as well. The wide variety of genres was also fantastic, from country, rock, and even some original songs written by Biotech’s own students!

New to the Music Club this year was Biotech’s own sound system, generously donated by the PSFA. It was student operated and the sound quality was better than ever! With the help of Mr. Herceck, the sound system was up and running in no time. Mrs. Laczny and Ms. Lampinen also showed their support, as well as Dr. Eno who is always keeping enthusiasm about the arts alive at Biotech.

“We had a very enthusiastic audience of families and friends who witnessed the exceptional musical talent of BTHS students across all four years. Thanks to the generosity of the PSFA, the concert was also the debut of the new BTHS Music Club sound system, which greatly enhanced the experience. We raised almost $500 for a charitable contribution with SOS to benefit the victims of Typhoon Hayain in the Philippines. Our next concert will be a Coffee House in the spring. Thanks to all who participated and contributed to our success,” said Mr. Dannen, the faculty advisor for the music club.  

By Emma Mueller

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