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BTHS Reaches Out!

If you walked into Biotechnology High School on Friday, November 30th at 6:30- 8:30 pm, you would hear the melodious sounds of the music club’s annual Coffeehouse fundraiser. This year, it was a benefit concert for Hurricane Sandy victims. According to the BTHS website, the Music Club and the PSFA raised nearly five thousand dollars! Students from all grades came together to put on a great show. Instruments varied from the guitar and piano, to boom whackers, a percussion instrument. There was also a variety of genres played, including classical and pop.
"The Coffee House was a collaborative effort between the PSFA and the BTHS Music Club to raise money in support of Hurricane Sandy Relief. The evening was a great financial and artistic success with almost $5000 raised and performances that were truly memorable. A big thank-you goes out to the PSFA and to the officers and members of the club who participated. I couldn't have been prouder of the Music Club and the BTHS community for coming together the way it did,” Mr. Dannen, the advisor of the Music Club said. There were numerous raffles as well consisting of donations from BTHS families. Donations included two iPads were also auctioned off and many gift cards. Dr. Eno said, “I want to remind you that healing does not happen overnight. That to really heal from an event that was as catastrophic as Hurricane Sandy takes
By Emma Mueller

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