
Annual Dessert Social and Gift Basket Auction

The Annual Dessert Social and Gift Basket Auction will be held on Friday, November 22th!  This is currently our biggest fundraiser for the school year.  Please mark your calendars and come out for a night of fellowship, delicious desserts and fabulous gift baskets. Your generosity is greatly appreciated in making this a successful event for our school.

Welcome Letter


Saturday Driver's Ed

Hello, co-Presidents of High Tech, Biotech, and Communications High School!
My name is Caroline Weislow.  I am co-chairperson, along with Jill Eisenberg, for the Driver's Ed. program at Allied Health.
Since the Saturday Driver's Ed. program will be hosted by Allied Health for this academic year, attached please find an information sheet along with a registration form which can be distributed to the parents of your students.  
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Just Rite Driving School directly, or feel free to contact Jill or myself. Phone numbers and email addresses are provided on the linked form.
Kind regards,
Caroline Weislow



Donations for Info Session 4 (last one for the year)

Hi All,

Thank you for all the donations you have sent in for the Information
Sessions.  People have commented that we have the best Info Sessions.
I'm sure that is not all because of our snacks, but I'm sure they help ;)

This is the link to sign up for our last Info Session.




Buy your tickets!!! Annual Dessert Social and Gift Basket Auction

see the blog entry


Donations for Information Session 3 (of 4)

We are now  asking for donations for Information Session 3 (of 4).  We will be serving coffee, tea, juice and a light snack (i.e. muffins, cookies, mini bagels, pastries, munchkins etc - nothing that requires a utensil).  We expect to have about 400 people at the Information Session.

Here is the Google doc will you can sign up to send in donations. 

Any questions please contact Sandy Thorpe (sandra.thorpe@att.net or732-671-3327), Sheela Mehta(samehta26@yahoo.com), Ravi Iyer (lkoravi@gmail.com) or Annie O’Rourke (aorourke60@yahoo.com)

Thank you,
