
Cruise Fundraiser

Think you will need a break at the end of the year? Why not take a cruise to Bermuda!

Click here for details. $50.00 - $100.00 per cabin will be donated to the school.


Next PSFA Meeting Oct 17 7:00 pm


Practice PSAT, SAT and ACT at High Tech HS

The High Technology High School PSFA is sponsoring practice PSAT, SAT and ACT exams. Click here for more information.


Letter From the PSFA Presidents

Hello and welcome! We are proud to be the new presidents of the BTHS Parent Student Faculty Association (PSFA) and hope, with the combined cooperation of parents and staff, to make this coming academic year Biotech’s best yet. How about the fact that Newsweek ranked our very own BTHS as the #25th best public school in the nation! Incredible! Congratulations to our faculty and students on their continued hard work and dedication. Clearly, it is making an impact. And…a big congratulations to our incredible principal, who has successfully defended her dissertation. Way to go Dr. Eno!!


As BTHS’ parent group, our mission is to actively assist and support our children and their teachers in all their endeavors, academic or communal. We are not just a school. We are a community and a team! And WE NEED YOU!! We want ALL families of our students to join BTHS PSFA and donate, whether time or money, (or both frankly!!) towards our common goals. Our participation goal is 100% of all families. Our academic goals are simple, and we all have the same agenda: successful students, successful school. Everything we do at PFSA helps our children and WE NEED YOU to help us to help them. We offer a variety of services to better our community: courses in drivers education, PSAT/SAT review, teacher appreciation breakfasts and luncheons, subsidized school trips, student club sponsorship, and award grants for research. All in all, the PSFA is here to help make BTHS the ideal learning environment- a place full of resources, communication, and support.


We implore each and every one of you to make an effort to come to monthly meetings and GET INVOLVED! Our entire BioTech student population is less than 350 kids…that’s one grade level in other schools! From our hearts to yours we need you to know “I don’t need to go; I don’t need to be involved” shouldn’t apply here…..we need you here, and your kids need you here, as well. Our first meeting is August 22 at 7 PM, and the second Sept.12. Everyone is welcome to our meetings and encouraged to participate and discuss the news, events, and functions that are affecting the BTHS community.  It’s the place to ask questions, make suggestions and really be heard. The meeting dates for the coming year are now posted on the event calendar on our website. There, you will also soon be able to find our meeting minutes, contact sheet, and course information.


We strongly encourage each of you to make sure the PFSA has your email address! If not please do that ASAP. We are a technology school, so you can understand that a large amount of important information comes to you over the computer, and we want you all to be well informed.


So join us, and let’s start a conversation.




Sherry Ferrick                                            Anne Pearl

Thehappycooker1@aol.com                      apearl22@yahoo.com

732-673-8837                                            732-670-9251


Letter From the PSFA Vice Presidents


We are the new co-vice presidents of the BTHS PSFA in charge of membership and fundraising and want to welcome everyone back to the 2011-2012 school year. Thank you to those families who have joined the PSFA and for those of you who have not joined, please think about doing so! The PSFA is an integral part of our school that functions to keep parents linked to the administration, and to support our students. Dues money is used to support a variety of things such as:

  • Class trips
  • Freshman social
  • Research forum
  • Graduation reception
  • Teacher grants


Current membership fees are $25 per year, or for incoming Freshman parents, $80 for a 4 year commitment. Membership forms can be found on the forms link. Please show your support of the BTHS community!


We encourage all PSFA members to get involved by simply attending meetings, and/or joining one of our many committees. We have a number of upcoming events, including the Freshman social in September and the Dessert social in November. All are welcome to get involved and volunteer!


Feel free to contact either of us with any questions.


Lauren Silverstein



(732) 536-7102



Holly Mulderrig


(732) 625-0328